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For the month of April My Selftape App users have
The Opportunity to Selftape for Casting Director
Jenny Lewis, CSA
Select Credit Include Productions for:
From PROMO HAS ENDED we will be accepting selftape submissions.
On PROMO HAS ENDED we will randomly select 10 selftapes from all submissions.
Jenny Lewis will review the 10 selected selftapes and prepare written notes that will be emailed to the actor.
Wait! There's more...
From the 10 selected selftapes, Jenny Lewis will choose 3 for a "callback".
"Callbacks" will take place in person if the actor is located in Toronto, Canada. If the actor is located elsewhere, the callback will take place over Skype.
During the callback you will be re-directed by Jenny Lewis and have the chance to ask up to 3 questions.
Record a selftape (3 min max) using My Selftape App (download it for iOS and Android at
When you get to the Recipient Info section of My Selftape App, enter the following info:
Recipient Email: PROMO HAS ENDED
Subject: Jenny Lewis Promotion
Message: Tell us where you live. EG) Toronto, Canada
Once your selftape has encoded and you are presented with the Congratulations Screen, that's it! You are submitted!
Make sure to check on PROMO HAS ENDED . That's where we will post the names of the 10 selected selftapes (we will also contact the selected actors directly by email, make sure the email address in the App profile is correct).
To be eligible, the selftape must of been recorded and sent using My Selftape App and must be received by PROMO HAS ENDED to the email address above.
The promotion is open to residents of all countries across the world.
All submissions must be in English.
There is no limit placed on the number of selftapes each actor can be submit.
There is no entry fee to submit to the promotion. However, 1 in-app "Ticket" must be redeemed for each selftape submitted. Go to the Box Office section of My Selftape App for pricing of Tickets.
A random number generator will be used to select the 10 selftapes that will viewed by the Casting Director. The odds of being selected depend on the number of submissions received.
There is no role being offered as part of the promotion. The notes and callback from the Casting Director are simply for educational purposes.